VPC Gives Back October

Every Month VPC Gives Back
Shane Griffin CNP, ROHP
Founder @VitaminPatchClub.com
Well it’s that epic time of the month I have the privilege of reporting the efforts over @vitaminpatchclub and our #givingback program.
This month we were proud to support @cfcanada @muttscouts and a special #gofundme.
Every year for 15 years our founder has helped lead the production of The Cystic Fibrosis Gala in Toronto, Canada. This year was an exceptional year and we were able to pull off a show that was top shelf. We are honoured to be a part of the #cfcanada team and proud of our support.
Support Cystic Fibrosis Link
We also have a good friend in LA who we call the Mutt Scouts Missionary, @erikaschaefer_ has been a voice for MuttScouts since we have known her and she is always supporting this epic charity so in her honour VPC supported the MuttScouts crew. This amazing charity rescues injured and abandoned pooches that would otherwise be put to sleep, nurtures them back to health with the support of foster pooch parents. We couldn’t be more pleased to donate to their cause.
Support Mutt Scouts Link
The last one is an anonymous donation. We heard about a tragedy that happened to a local man that has left him paralyzed. A father, a partner, a proud and good man so we decided to donate to the gofundme his partner set up for him. We do not have the permission to post details but we can tell you at last check the gofundme was at 90% of its goal.
We have said from the start of VPC that it is a responsibility to give back and #makeanimpact each an every month, we continue to do this not to feel good about ourselves but to set an example and hope that we inspire you to do your part when and where you can!
Thank you,
Shane Griffin CNP ROHP
Transdermal patches deliver vitamins safely and uniformly, directly into the bloodstream. Most over-the-counter vitamins contain worthless fillers, binders, and synthetics that cause the active ingredients to be ELIMINATED from your body. With VPC vitamin patches the only thing you’re doing is gaining nutrients with organic ingredients.