

Invigorate Your Life with the Wellness Patch. 30 patches per pack.

About the Patch
Craving that extra nudge of nourishment to fuel your bustling lifestyle? Meet the Wellness Patch, your daily dose of nutritional reinforcement for stronger bones, a fortified immune system, and beyond. This nifty patch infuses your system with Vitamin D3 in a user-friendly format, ensuring you never skip your daily boost. Not just that, our Wellness Patch is also fortified with Vitamin C, your body's dependable ally, that ramps up your immunity and provides potent antioxidant protection to your cells.
  • Vitamin D (800 iu)
  • Vitamin C (6mg)
  • Black Elderberry Extract (2.5 mg)
  • Pterostilbene (1.5 mg)
  • CoQ10 (.4mg)
How to Use

Step 1: Carefully peel off one patch.

Step 2: Place them on your shoulder, abdomen, back, or even the top of your foot.

Step 3: Wear your patch while you got about your day!

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Carefully Curated

Vitamin patches with ingredients specifically chosen to boost your health.

Vitamin D

Your sunshine vitamin that fortifies your bones.

Vitamin C

An immune booster and robust antioxidant, protecting your cells.

Black Elderberry Extract

A natural powerhouse to fortify your immune system.


This is an essential component for cellular energy production in the mitochondria. With its potent antioxidant properties, CoQ10 not only fuels cellular processes but also combats oxidative damage, playing a crucial role in maintaining cellular integrity and function.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 91 reviews
Prof is in the bloodwork

I was having issues absorbing vitamin d via capsules. My panels showed I was severely deficient (27). I re-tested after using vitamin patch wellness for 8 months and my levels are up to 52. They’re working. Proof is in the panels.

Vera Maximin

I swear by this product, use it every time I travel. I also use in when I have to go in crowds or be around sick people. I do not get sick it even helps my allergies.

Julia K
Skeptic now sold

I used to have insufficient Vitamin D3 levels, hovering around 27 ng/mL despite sun exposure and oral supplements. After using the wellness patches, my D3 levels have skyrocketed to 83 ng/mL. It really worked!

Mary D.
Patches WORK!

I use three of the patches, the wellness, the zinc, and the super 8. I can tell the difference with the super 8 which gives me much needed energy. The other two are hard to differentiate with what they do but I can tell you that I have not been sick at all this winter as compared to at least 20 to 30 years of being sick every single year. I am thrilled with these patches.

Nora Keeton
D3 Helps Mom who can't get outside.

Recently Mom became unable to take her supplements and this is a Great alternative and helped us avoid a hospital visit recently ‼️
Thanks So Much for this Wonderful Product ❣️